How to Handle Glassdoor Negative Reviews

Reputation management is an aspect of social media that has been slowly building the past few years. Websites like Yelp and Glassdoor let both customers and employees put their two cents about your company onto the ever-visible world wide web. For the most part, these reviews and comments are positive, but negative reviews are the ones that really stick out. You can have 100 positive reviews, but those few negative ones really jump off the page.

Glassdoor logoKnow Your Rep

Understanding your online reputation, learning from it, and implementing changes is what reputation management is all about. At Coalition Technologies, we have the experience and expertise to manage and minimize your Glassdoor negative reviews.

As a company, your online reputation really does matter. That’s because the web is where just about everyone goes to find information these days. When people research things online, they don’t stop after visiting your official website, they also read online review sites like Yelp or Glassdoor. They trust these sites because they feel they are less biased than an official site.

What People Think Matters

Because people like hearing about the experiences of others more than they want to hear your expertly crafted sales pitch, they’re going to read those review sites and they’re also going to pay attention to what they say. When you have a Glassdoor negative review from former or current employees, prospective applicants are less likely to submit their resumes. When you have negative reviews from consumers on sites like Yelp, customers are less likely to purchase your goods or services.

How to Manage It

Reputation management is about knowing when and how to respond to these comments and reviews. Some Glassdoor negative reviews should simply be left alone. Disgruntled former employees or interviewees who didn’t get a job might leave reviews that are very obvious fabrications. These reviews don’t deserve your attention. However, there are quite a few kinds of negative reviews that do deserve a response.

When to Respond

At Coalition Technologies, we help manage online reputations. We know when and how to respond to negative reviews. There are times you’ll need to genuinely make amends. When a mistake or bad customer service experience happens, you will want to set it right. Similarly, when facts are manipulated or downright misstated, you have a right to defend yourself. Personal reviews that are not at all professional do not require a response. We can help you sort out which reviews necessitate a response and which should be plain avoided.

How to Respond

We also know how to respond to Glassdoor negative reviews. The first step is to truly listen to the feedback so that you can understand the root of the problem. By listening without reacting, you can address issues that others might also have. After listening and reflecting, you’ll want to honestly engage with people and set things right so whatever prompted the negative review can be remedied.

Let Us Help

Reputation management is a vitally important aspect of running your company. Consumers and employees have a powerful advocate in online review sites like Yelp and Glassdoor. These sites provide an outlet for individuals to honestly detail their experiences. These experiences can influence whether others will seek out your services or seek out employment with your company. Coalition Technologies has the knowledge and know-how to guide you through the positive management of your online reputation. What are you waiting for? Let us help you manage your reputation today!

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.