Interesting Conversation on Singularity.

7:03 PM ”A Friend”: I like Kurweil’s idea

7:04 PM he’s kind of a salesman for it

this blog of his is good

7:05 PM absolutely man will combine his body with machines to a ridic extent

already happening

google in your hand

next in your glasses

sorry I was at dinner last night

plus this

35 minutes

7:40 PM me: haha man declined the offer

7:41 PM yeah kurzweil is fascinating

if he’s right with the exponential advance (and previous data does show that trend), i think he’s very likely right and right around 2029 we’ll hit the point where our machines are smarter than us and become creators themselves

7:43 PM ”A Friend”: I’m ok with that

7:44 PM me: me too

i’m looking forward to uploading my brain to the internet and floating out in cyberspace till I get deleted cuz i’m an old unused program

14 minutes

7:59 PM ”A Friend”: ha

8:04 PM I would totally augment my body

an iphone connected to my skull

I’m down

13 minutes

8:17 PM me: yeah

8:18 PM full google API feed 24/7

thats a wet dream

+ statistics & mathematics packages

instantly calculate anything

expanded memory – instantly see full video/audio/smell/other sensory data from any moment in your life

8:19 PM be able to email those memories to other people

crime disappears instantly

actually, could you imagine if you had that connected up and then lost it? I bet you would feel incredibly alone & sad…

8:20 PM our dull senses and problematic bodies prevent us from achieving higher levels of life

“A Friend”: totally agree

8:21 PM I’m interested in taking drugs to enhance my intelligence

I look forward to the day where for $10 a day

you can increase your IQ by 30 points

8:22 PM I will consider messing around with this myself once I make my first million

figure out a brain cocktail

adderall plus cutting age other shit

me: i’m much more interested in discovering how to interface robotics, AI & data feeds directly with my own mind. I want to massively increase my memory, logical processing abilities, ability to share direct experiences, advance technology by directly interfacing with other augmented brains.

8:23 PM i think the potential will be here in 20-40 years

“A Friend”: I don’t know how much my mind can take advantage of that right onw


me: i want my company to be at the cutting edge of it

“A Friend”: there will be limitations

me: i want to earn cash in services & products

to get something like this

could you imagine if you were the inventor of direct brain interfacing technology????

bigger than apple, microsoft, ford, GE… any other company in history.

8:24 PM think about how much faster technology is getting now

how much faster companies can grow

it took rockefeller a lifetime to build his fortune

Mark zuckerberg is 27

the google guys started less than a decade and a half ago

8:25 PM Gates built it & retired in three decades

now a silly ass coupon site was the fastest growing company in history in terms of revenue for their first two years

imagine a company with a world-altering product

“A Friend”: yeah facebook will be silly soon

8:26 PM did you see my new blog?

“A Friend”

me: yup

followed on google reader

8:27 PM btw, i don’t know if you noticed it yet, but we are already becoming obsolete

“A Friend”: how’s that?

me: my little brother josh is better with technology than me and he doesn’t even like it

his friends are epic

8:28 PM in terms of text messages sent, online content viewed, social media sharing

and quickly adapting to changes

you should play a video game with a 12 year old

its eye opening and humbling

i used to be really good myself… not remotely close anymore

doesnt matter for games

8:29 PM but there are 100x more kids today who are growign up tinkering with computer circuit boards & programming code than there were when we were kids in the 90s.

“A Friend”: yeah that’s true

me: not to mention the 3rd world countries bringing billions of people online in the last few years

8:30 PM the world is changing & life is upgrading at an exponentially increasing pace

8:31 PM in 20 years, we will both be shut down unless we can learn how to teach our companies to adapt – robots will be cleaning houses and websites will be far outdated and replaced with something else

“A Friend”: adaptation is always necessary

but becoming more so

8:32 PM me: its the power of using new generations of technology to advance to unheard/unthought of generations of technology

“A Friend”: Orting people are so fucked the don’t even know it

me: yeah… the % change that happened in the 16th century is about the same % change as we have seen in the last 5 years

if not even more exagerrated

8:33 PM look at some of these charts

8:36 PM ”A Friend”: wow

that’s mind boggling


“A Friend”: I want to take advantage of these changes

me: we sit here and think history will advance at the same rate as always before…… but that is not what the data shows

i do too

i want to get into robotics/ biology

8:37 PM neuroscience

cuz thats where the world is

is going

at a pace faster than anybody thinks

8:39 PM me: going to college at this point to try to learn a fixed subject the same way people have for 300 years strikes me as incredibly silly

8:40 PM every time i start learning a new programming language, it gets outdated in a few months and passed by something better

8:43 PM ”A Friend”: hmm

I think you have to learn how to learn

8:44 PM you also need somebody to pour on motivation in a lot of creative ways

I’m interested in education and how to do it well

it’s a tricky subject

what I would like is to create a school of elites and motivate them

open their minds

but I don’t like the thought and the drudgery of teaching the masses

8:45 PM me: i do it myself – i am self taught on everything I do on the web. i once took a class on but it was way too slow

and i got bored cuz i didn’t have a direct purpose for what i learned

for instance, i’ve just taught myself how to use google apps script

”A Friend”: nice

I’m having to learn more and more

me: and have written code for going through my salespeople’s #s

and giving me custom reports

8:46 PM beyond anything you could do with any spreadsheet function… cuz i wrote my own damned functions

want to see?

you will be impressed/ find it very useful

”A Friend”: I think making my website the first time was the best thing I could have done for myself longterm

me: yeah that was genius

u have skype?

”A Friend”: yeah

me: let me show you

skype username?

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.