QR Codes on Website – Developers in Los Angeles

QR-CodeYou have undoubtedly seen more than a few QR codes over the past couple of years. You have seen them on websites, posters, and even product packaging. They are the funny-looking square bar codes that resemble static on an old black-and-white television set. But they’re more than just bar codes. As the founder and CEO of Coalition Technologies, I have dedicated a tremendous amount of time and effort to researching how QR codes can be used to improve the success of online businesses, and the results are staggering.

What are QR Codes? – Website Developers in Los Angeles

Quick response codes, or QR codes, have a bit of an interesting history. They were initially developed for tracking and managing vehicle parts in the Japanese automotive industry, but in recent years, they have become extremely popular for use in advertising. Any smart phone can be used as a QR code reader; all you need to do is install a QR app, use your built-in camera to hover over any QR code that you encounter, and you’ll be immediately forwarded to an appropriate web resource.

As a business owner or webmaster, you must see the potential here. If you want to drive people to your website, document or cause, you can prompt new visitors from absolutely anywhere, 24 hours a day. If you pay for a billboard that reads, “Visit our website at www.coalitiontechnologies.com/, only a very small percentage of people will actually remember to do it. But with a QR code, you can generate instant clicks from anywhere. The bar code itself entices people (even if they aren’t immediately interested in the product or service), and it provides you with a hyperlink that can be used offline.

Choosing QR Codes on Website Developers in Los Angeles

If you would like to take advantage of the many practical benefits that QR codes can provide, I would recommend employing the services of knowledgeable QR code developers. Not only can they design a custom code for you, but they can help you to get the most from your efforts by integrating your code onto custom web pages and advertising materials.  But when shopping around for QR developers, make sure to do your homework. Ask questions, review profiles, and browse consumer reviews.

Coalition Technologies – Your QR Codes on Website Developers in Los Angeles

Consider this: mobile web browsing is taking over in a big way. In fact, analysts estimate that mobile surfing will completely overtake desktop surfing as soon as 2016. As more and more consumers turn to their smart phones and tablets to access the web, QR codes provide a powerful marketing opportunity, which can not only boost your business, but take it to the next level.

If you’d like to learn more, call us at Coalition Technologies for a free quote. You can reach us at 1-888-800-9101, and we’ll let you know exactly how we can elevate your business with the help of custom QR codes. Let’s dominate your industry and reach out to new customers or clients who otherwise would never have learned of your business.